Sibro Commerce Nigeria Limited (NO. 1812236) (hereinafter “Sibro Nigeria”) through offers its users and potential users information on the portfolio of services, their characteristics, conditions, and requirements to access them.

The following are the terms of a legal agreement between those who enter the website, use the app, and hereinafter will be governed by the following Terms and Conditions of Use:

Acceptance of Terms
By accessing, browsing, or using this app, you (hereinafter the "User") acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these terms and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Please read carefully the terms and conditions of use reflected here. If you do not agree with the following terms and conditions, do not access our platform.

Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd unilaterally reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove any part or all of the content and these terms and conditions, at any time and without prior notice. Therefore, we suggest the User regularly consult the App to verify any change or modification in the content thereof. In any case, it is understood that you accept the modifications made from time to time, when accessing, browsing or using this website.

Content of the website
All the contents of the App have been published for informational purposes and in no way commit the responsibility of Sibro Nigeria or any of its related companies, partners, directors or administrators. Content availability is subject to change without notice. Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd does not guarantee permanent and uninterrupted access to this App and assumes no liability to the User for internet connection problems, lack of availability or continuity of operation of the App, its services or for any other situation that may affect access to it or to the products or services offered.

The interpretation and use of the information provided on this App is the sole responsibility of the User.

Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd is not responsible for decisions or conclusions that may be made based on the information published or provided on the App.

Given that the provision of information on the page does not constitute, in any case, advice or advice on the part of Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd, it will not be held responsible in any way for any damages or losses caused by the use, application or interpretation that may be given to the information provided on this App.

Access Conditions
The User agrees not to use the App for illicit purposes or outside of what is authorized or in any way that may harm the rights of third parties or that may damage, impair or deteriorate the service provided by Sibro Nigeria, its computer equipment, the property or the image of Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd or third parties.

Intellectual property
Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd authorizes the User to access this Web Page in order to consult its content for informational purposes, notwithstanding the foregoing, this authorization does not extend to any type of unauthorized use such as, but not limited to, the reproduction or modification of any content published on this App.

The collection of any information or content on this page, for any purpose, is expressly prohibited. Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd reserves all rights not explicitly granted in this document.

The User acknowledges that the content of this App, whether in the information presented by Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd or by a third party, is protected by intellectual property regulations. Said content includes, for merely enunciative purposes, the available information, texts, software, data, graphics, images, photographs, videos, sounds, music, domain names, trademarks, signs, trade names, slogans, utility models, or industrial designs.

Therefore, the User must refrain, without the prior express written authorization of Sibro Nigeria, from publishing, retransmitting or commercializing under any title or by any means, totally or partially, both the information contained on the page and its links. , under penalty of incurring responsibilities for infringement of intellectual property regulations or other current concordant regulations.

Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd does not assume any responsibility for the improper use by the User regarding the contents that are extracted, copied, reproduced or modified, in an unauthorized manner.

The use of this App and its contents is done at the User's own risk. Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd does not guarantee the update, the uninterrupted availability of the services offered, nor that the contents are free of harmful computer components.

Any damage, loss or harm that the User or any third party may suffer, derived from the access or use of the information contained in this Web Page in general and/or for executing any type of operation through this Web Page, will not be the responsibility of the User. Unseen Support.

In no case will Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd be responsible for damages including, but not limited to: direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential damages, or of any other type, or those produced as a result of loss of information, expenses incurred as a consequence of the use of the web page, of the services or applications that Sibro Commerce  Nigeria Ltd provides through this page; of the impossibility of use or in relation to any performance failure, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or system or line failure, even in the event that Sibro Nigeria, or its representatives were informed about the possibility of said damages, losses or expenses.